F.A.S.T.® Distributor Cable Assembly Program
Are you an OEM or aftermarket customer experiencing an issue with your product? Don’t wait around for help from someone who you can’t trust. Orscheln Products offers their customers fast services through their F.A.S.T.® Distributor Cable Assembly Program. Orscheln Products is a global leader in their indsutry because of their proven record to provide their customers with quality products and quick replacements.
Orscheln’s F.A.S.T.® acronym stands for Felsted Assembled Systems Technology. Orscheln Products utilizes their world wide connections of F.A.S.T.® Distributors to provide assistance. This program exceeds 100 distributors located around the world, aimed to provide reliable assistance with ease.
To locate F.A.S.T.® services near you, just use Orscheln’s Find A Distributor function on their website. OEMs and aftermarket customers are able to type in their address, product time, and desired distance. The map can display the name of the chosen distributor, the address, and contact information. For more information about F.A.S.T.® program, contact the Orscheln Products Sales Team.