High Quality Parking Brake Cables
Are you an OEM or aftermarket customer in search of high quality parking brake cables? Orscheln Products can deliver high quality products across the globe to help fill the needs of OEMs and aftermarket customers. Since customers are searching for the highest quality to fight against corrosion and increased durability, Orscheln Products works on meeting these needs for our customers. Orscheln Products understands that some materials are better to use than others when thinking about high durability and corrosion resistance. Orscheln Products offers two main sizes for OEMs and aftermarket customers. When customers are searching for a high quality parking brake cable for lighter loads, Orscheln Products typically suggests the ⅛ inch. If the customer has a heavier load between 1,200 and 3,000 pounds, your Orscheln Products Sales Team Member might suggest the 3/16 inch. To place your order, contact a member of the Orscheln Products Sales Team by following this link.