Suspended Foot Pedals from Orscheln Products
Suspended Foot Pedals from Orscheln Products
At Orscheln Products, we know that space and positioning are important concerns for motion control system applications. That is why, in addition to our floor mounted electronic foot pedals, Orscheln Products offers suspended foot pedal designs. With a weight of 0.7 pounds, our foot pedals are as much as half the weight as other foot pedals on the market, due to the use of a lightweight polymer that is as durable as it is light. Steel plates are available as well. The suspended foot pedal is designed for ergonomic specifications and easy installation. At Orscheln Products, we are committed to quality, and we offer 100% end-of-the-line testing on these assemblies. With manufacturing sites in North America, Europe and India along with a global network of distributors and assemblers, you can find a suspended foot pedal no matter where you are in the world.
Contact the Orscheln Product Sales Group for more information on suspended foot pedals.