Motion Control Systems available in Asia- Orscheln China
Looking for motion control system manufacturing in Asia? Orschlen Products reliable motion control systems are available through Orscheln China in Shanghai. Orscheln Products is a global leader in motion control system manufacturing for the heavy duty vehicle and aircraft industries. With a trusted world-wide network of manufacturers and distributors, Orscheln Products provides dependable products to customers across the globe. Orscheln manufacturing sites are located in Europe, North America and India. Orscheln China provides quality motion control systems to various global on and off-highway vehicle markets. In addition to these motion control systems, Orscheln China has access to any Orscheln product for the Asian market. To contact Orscheln China, see the information below.
Orscheln Products Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.
14/F Suncome Cimic Tower
800 Shang Cheng Road
Pudong New District
Shanghai 200120
Tel: +86 (0) 21 2215 7888
Fax: +86 (0) 21 2215 7889
上海市浦东新区商城路800号斯米克大厦14楼 近南泉北路